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Grief and Loss

Have you lost a loved one or part of yourself?

It is the job of life to make every human being feel every possible emotion at every possible intensity. It is the job of human beings to allow every emotion to move through unimpeded. ~Stephen Gilligan

Society does not have a realistic idea of the depth and length of the grief process. There is no timeline for grief or loss. Yet, perhaps you question yourself and wonder why you are still suffering months, years, or even decades later. Counseling will help you address some of the reactions as you process your new reality. Talk therapy and EMDR help lower your distress and  honor your loss.

Grief may include the death of a loved one or pet, heartbreak, loss of physical health, identity, reputation, or possession, anticipated fears, and a future that may have been. It is important to note that there is no common pathway for grief. Everyone experiences it differently.

Your grief reactions and signs may include:

    • Shock
    • Disbelief and denial
    • Anxiety
    • Distress
    • Anger
    • Periods of sadness
    • Loss of sleep
    • Loss of appetite
    • Moments of acceptance


Grief’s symptoms like lack of joy, anxiety, or sense of despair, can look a lot like depression. However, they are different. But if you’re grieving, it could trigger a depressive episode and make the process of grieving worse.

Rules of Grief

  1. It always hurts more than you think it should.
  2. It always last longer than you (and others) think it ought.
  3. It makes you tired, cranky, stupid or feeling hopeless.
  4. Avoid it and it stays terrible, creates depression and/or useless busyness.
  5. Feel it all and it gets better.

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